We are committed to helping you succeed in obtaining a career in the field of your choice. We’re always accepting applications, and whether there is an opening in the current class or you wait until the next enrollment period- we want to help you! Not sure if you qualify? Apply and we’ll connect with you to further discuss your options. A dedicated partnership between Johnson College, Luzerne County Community College, and United Neighborhood Centers, participants will take technical classes at either campus to obtain industry-specific credentials, while receiving constant support from UNC. In order to be considered for the RISE program, you must be…

county map

  • Resident of Lackawanna or Luzerne County
  • Currently living 250% below the federal poverty level
  • Interested in a career path that provides a family-sustaining wage

Upon acceptance into the program, UNC will manage the onboarding of the program and ensure you have everything you need for a successful start.